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Tread Lightly

Supporters of Tread Lightly! practice responsible outdoor recreation and demonstrate their conviction with steadfast adherence to the Tread Lightly! Principles. The Tread Lightly! Principles are a philosophy which provides suggestions and standards of responsible recreation.

Complete the Tread Lightly online course and become a more educated and responsible user of the great outdoors.

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Visit the following link and choose the course that best serves you.
Online Courses - Tread Lightly

The Tread Lightly Mission
Tread Lightly! is dedicated to promoting the fun and enjoyment of the outdoors and the responsibility that comes with it. Tread Lightly! is an ethical and educational force in bringing together and unifying a broad spectrum of stakeholders, including agencies, industry, media, conservation and enthusiast groups, and concerned individuals who share a common goal to find balance between humans and nature. Tread Lightly! promotes responsible outdoor recreation through ethics education and stewardship programs.

The Tread Lightly Principles

Travel Responsibly
On land: Ride on designated routes and trails and stay in permitted areas.

Respect the Rights of Others
On land: including private property owners and all recreational trail users, campers, and others to allow them to enjoy their recreational activities undisturbed.

Educate Yourself
Obtain travel maps and regulations from public agencies. Plan for your trip. Take recreation skills classes. Know how to use and operate your equipment safely.

Avoid Sensitive Areas
On land: Such as meadows, lakeshores, wetlands and streams - unless they are designated routes.

Do You Part
Do Your Part: Leave the area better than you found it. Properly dispose of waste, fuel and oil. Minimize the use of fire. Avoid the spread of invasive species. Restore degraded areas. Join a local enthusiast organization.

The Tread Lightly Video Library
Videos - Tread Lightly