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Three Simple Mods

Dash Mat
I live in Las Vegas, Nevada. If you've ever been here in the summer, you know it gets HOT! And that heat can reck havoc on a vehicles dash. So, I purchased a Dash Mat off of Amazon. The color very closely matches the interior color of my truck. It looks really nice.
Continue reading.
The Dash Mat Installation was very easy. It comes with Velcro pieces to secure the Dash Mat to the dash. However, I chose to simply place it on the dash without using the Velcro, and it seems to set and stay in place just fine.
An added bonus to the dash mat, besides protecting the dash from drying out and cracking, is that I can now place items on the dash without them readily sliding off.
Tail Gate Shock
Next, I installed a Tail Gate shock. It is a simple little item that may not really be needed but it is nice to have. I now experience a nice feeling when I release the tailgate. I just let it go and watch as it slowly lowers to the fully open position. No sudden or harsh slamming if it happens to slip out of my hands. The installation is quick and simple, and I hardly notice it's there. That is until I open the tailgate.
Stubby Carbon Fiber Radio Antenna.
My last simple mod was a Stubby Carbon Fiber Radio Antenna. The stock antenna that came with my truck of course works fine. The challenge I have is when I drive my truck through the WOW automatic car wash, I have to remove the antenna for concern that the car wash equipment might damage it.
If you look you will notice the Stubby Antenna isn't on the truck, that's correct. I thought it would be an easy install. However, the original threaded stud was not the correct size for the new antenna and needed to be removed and replaced with the appropriate size.  I ran into some difficulty removing the original stud. I tried drilling a hole in the stud and using a removal tool. But it was not going according to plan, and I was worried about damaging it, so I am waiting until I get together with a friend who has more experience with this sort of thing.

Cover that dash, let the tailgate down easy, and streamline where you can.